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Specialised Designs
Specialised coffins with pictures for the individual personality
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Your friendly professional funeral service where we care
Visit Integrity FuneralsThe choice of the type of coffin or casket is a very personal matter. In fact, the law does not talk about a casket or coffin. It states that a suitable container that is both airtight and watertight must be used. The use of a casket or coffin is in reality a very practical act. It provides for the ease of movement of the deceased person and their care and housing in a hygienic way. So, what is it all about? At Integrity Funerals, we believe that it is about four different but related issues:
What is the casket made from?
What is it's colour or stain?
What does it cost?
Personal Choice - what would you like to see your loved one presented in for the funeral?
Coffins and caskets are made from a number of different materials - particle board, cardboard (environmentally friendly), craftwood, solid timber or metal. When explaining the range of coffins and caskets available, your funeral director should explain the differences between these materials and their respective values.
The cost of the casket or coffin usually represents the materials used, the level of craftsmanship employed in its manufacture, and the fittings such as handles, drapery and religious or other ornaments affixed.
Particleboard and craftwood coffins and caskets are usually veneered and then stained to represent different timbers. The veneer may be timber or a synthetic material that looks like timber. Solid timber coffins and caskets can be similarly stained or simply finished to present their natural colour and beauty.
What is appropriate for some people may not be appropriate for others. What is simple to some might look and feel complex to others.